Newlyweds: Start here for a happy marriage (focusing on your career, your goals and more!)

Newlyweds: Start here for a happy marriage (focusing on your career, your goals and more!)


Ring the alarm… clap your hands… stamp your feet… hey, do all of the above if you so feel inclined. Today, I am celebrating the launch of my first ever online coaching programme, focused around important elements surrounding your happy marriage (and the importance of focus on yourself, your goals, your career, your communication and so much more), so all celebratory sounds and gestures are appreciated! Can I get a whoop whoop?!


Truly… I have benefited HUGELY (I’m not kidding you… hugely) from some of the online programmes I’ve done including a programme via Claire Mitchell of The Girls Mean Business and Emma Holmes at The Launch Queen (my mentor extraordinaire for anything launch related and I feel like I’m in the best hands!) – and a few others too… so when I saw the power, the sheer brilliance of how bringing like minded people together on an online course can transform and accelerate results – I knew I wanted to do something which would have a similarly positive and life enhancing impact for my Limitless and Happily Ever After for Grown-Ups communities.


So yes, here it is – the Happily Ever After for Grown-Ups online programme is now available – for a special early bird price until 11.59pm (UK time) on Monday 9 November and still a hugely generous, accessible price after that too (just not quite as amazing as the early bird offer – lol)


If you’re on the Limitless Coaching mailing list, you would have received all of the information a couple of weeks ago but if you’re not… do sign up here… and check out the programme information page here.


You can also check out some of the information below. Is this you? Do you have a network you can share this unique opportunity with?


Are you a newlywed / recently married (say within the past 5 years ish)?


Did you have a “oh shizzle… what next” moment after your gorgeous wedding day?


Would you like to bust that “best day of your life” stereotype in relation to your #wedding day by gaining great tools to create a lifestyle that’s as exciting as your wedding day was?


Do you have big career / business / professional ambitions to be balanced alongside your personal and family priorities?


Well you’re in luck because holy shizzle it’s here! The non-fairy tale… real life Happily Ever After for Grown-Ups [career and relationship awesomeness] online programme and it’s now available for fast action takers!


Check out this 28 day programme where you’ll transition from post-wedding blues ridden newlywed to passionate, energetic life partner; from unfulfilled workaholic to focused career-enthusiast; from unsure about your direction to clear about your own ambitions and that of your partner. No need to silently feel a bit ‘meh’or overwhelmed about what comes next because by the end of the programme, you’ll feel great about your aspirations and your ability to have fun achieving them, alongside your other half.


My name is Gina Visram and as an author, career coach and work life balance on your own terms advocate I firmly believe that married couples / long term partners should be each others greatest cheerleaders when it comes to building on their dreams and achieving your goals. If this person you’re with isn’t the ultimate wing wo/man then you are totally missing a trick because life is epic (and ridiculous amounts of fun) when you have that partnership which makes it feel like anything is possible.


Would you like to work towards your dreams hand in hand with your other half? (Hint: it would be nuts not to gain the tools to do this as effectively as possible!)


The new HAPPILY EVER AFTER FOR GROWN-UPS ONLINE PROGRAMME is available now and starts later this November (you get lifetime access though so no stress at all if you need some flexibility there). The audio, video, worksheets, live Q&A calls etc. are accessible from the comfort of your computer / device anywhere in the world (and you don’t even need your partner to join in necessarily… after all… your good habits rub off on them anyway right?!). The sooner you sign up, the more accessible the cost and the earlier you can get going with some fun, life enhancing exercises. This is not about career, goal and lifestyle clarity in 1 year or 6 months… it starts immediately. 


It’s worth reiterating… Research suggests that UK and US based couples on average spend £20,000 / $30,000 on a wedding which lasts a (few) day(s)… however this marriage and future enhancing programme is now available at a ridiculously accessible investment here:


The link above takes you to a page which features LOADS of information about the problem including a Q&A section to help you decide if this opportunity is for you however if you have any questions… just comment on this post and we can chat further. 


Furthermore, to keep up to date about the free online classes leading up to this programme, just sign up to the mailing list at


I hear that... I'm in


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 Gina Visram is an author, work-life balance advocate and career coach. As part of her Limitless Coaching initiative she works one on one and via group programmes with awesome women (and kick ass men) with untapped potential to accelerate their career and lifestyle goal achievements – while ensuring their romantic partner remains firmly in the picture and they gain the tools to be each other’s greatest cheerleaders.
 Gina is the author of Happily Ever After for Grown Ups and is committed to helping people use their greatest resources, get over overwhelm and achieve the career success/life balance they seek. For more information and to sign up to her free newsletter (which currently comes with an awesome work life balance cheat sheet) visit


Maintain your work life balance while increasing your productivity
Download your work life balance cheat sheet here

If you recognise the importance to maintain work life balance on your terms while actively striving towards your goals, download this work life balance cheat sheet now. It's a fun way to keep on track. Use it on your own or print an extra copy for your other half.

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