Makeover your aspirations for maximum productivity this spring

Makeover your aspirations for maximum productivity this spring

Let’s be real here…

At any time in the last 2 weeks, have you uttered the words “How is it already April” – or something to thaåat effect? If you haven’t (and I’m willing to bet that you have), were you part of a conversation where someone else did? Again, I’m pretty sure you are no stranger to this conversation and I will tell you why I am almost smugly confident about this.

It’s because once again, time has flown by. Just beyond our amazement that 2017 had already arrived, we’re already a quarter into the year.

So… don’t hold back… tell me, how was Q1 for you? What did you get up to? Which of your goals did you make progress with? Did you embrace self-care? What did you prioritise? What awesome things have you done with your family so far this year? What professional wins have you had? What can be ticked off because it’s done (whoop whoop!) or moved down – or off – the list because it’s no longer as important as it was. What did you celebrate?

Remember, it’s all about the big and small wins and in the spirit of us sharing as a community, I’ve listed a  few of mine for Q1 2017 here:

  • Celebrated Naila’s first birthday
  • Settled Naila into a fantastic childcare setting
  • Started my Creative Career Solutions for Parents podcast
  • Successfully reintegrated back into work after maternity leave (and delivered some important careers events for the students)
  • Decided on where we’ll take family holidays this year (though to be fair, we’re normally more ahead of ourselves with this – making these plans in Q4!)
  • Spent amazing quality time with my mum while she visited
  • For the first time since becoming a mama, read a book cover to cover (and it was great… I highly recommend Carrie Green’s She Means Business)

Over to you – it’s incredibly useful to work on a list like this, looking at the quarter that just passed (and celebrating your wins… always do that!)

Now that you’ve looked back on Q1 it’s time to take steps to make Q2 incredibly productive (and fun… please don’t forget fun along the way). Take 15 minutes and listen to / act on this podcast. Let me know how you get on. So looking forward to hearing from you…

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